Well-Known Member
I just got this in-spike habenaria medusa today and I'm so excited for the flowers to open! There's at least more than 5 buds on it. Ihave some pictures of the actual plant below. This is my first habenaria orchid. I know keeping these orchids alive is hard in winter, so I'm asking for some basic care tips so I don't kill it during the dormancy period. I fell in love with it after a local orchid society member brought in a blooming one for show. They said they always keep it in a small tray of water so it stays moist and never dries out. In the winter time during dormancy they said they only mist the pot once a month so the tuber doesn't desiccate, and when the new growth pops up in spring they gradually start watering more again. I assume that it needs partial sunlight, not direct sun.
I have seen many ways other people grow these online. Some don't keep them in trays of water while others do. During dormancy an expert habenaria grower named Sarah Hurdel likes to unpot the tubers and store them in little bags until spring arrives. Also, some various online sources and vendors say to never water them at all during dormancy, while others say to water every few weeks. Should I follow what my local orchid society member told me, or follow online sources from expert growers? Care information is quite different everywhere, so I'm asking on here for everyone else's opinion on how they grow theirs so I can properly care for it without murdering it
Also, will the spike stay curved like that or is it able to realign itself straight if I put it in a spot where the spike can move towards the light?
I have seen many ways other people grow these online. Some don't keep them in trays of water while others do. During dormancy an expert habenaria grower named Sarah Hurdel likes to unpot the tubers and store them in little bags until spring arrives. Also, some various online sources and vendors say to never water them at all during dormancy, while others say to water every few weeks. Should I follow what my local orchid society member told me, or follow online sources from expert growers? Care information is quite different everywhere, so I'm asking on here for everyone else's opinion on how they grow theirs so I can properly care for it without murdering it

Also, will the spike stay curved like that or is it able to realign itself straight if I put it in a spot where the spike can move towards the light?