Normal NJ behavior.

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You know, if left unsupervised, ladybugs will form gangs. And then you're neighborhood will really be in trouble. :wink:
And even worst, if they bite you, your skin will become red and develop some black spots!!! :p You will have an attitude and demand to be called Lady all the time!!! :poke:
We had that same thing happen a year ago at a place I was working. The owner had left the door open the evening before til late and hadn't noticed the invasion until we all came to work the next day. They were every where, on the ceiling, climbing the walls, and in the light fixtures. We got a shop vac and just started sucking them up. With a shop vac they don't get sucked through any moving parts so we were able to dump them back outside. It was quite the experience though to see that many just moving in mass. So glad it was the owner who did it too.

Yes, we too had these ladybugs the last 4 or 5 years in the Fall here in Minnesota. This year for some reason I only saw a few of them in the fall. I had heard they had imported these Asian Ladybugs a number of years ago as a Biological Control against Black Aphids in Soy Beans. It worked a little too well, as the Asian Ladybugs ate all the Aphids and were thus able to multiply in lots of numbers making them a pest as well.

They were like that here yesterday -- when it was warm and sunny. Today it is cool and rainy, so they are all hiding somewhere...maybe in your neighborhood! :D

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