not so funny e-mail

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Saratoga Region, New York
not so funny e-mail, explicit photo warning

:eek: A wonderful friend :poke: sent these pics to me with the subject of don't "sleep in the jungle". I should have some good dreams the first night out there. :sob: I am just over 2 weeks away from the trip to the Peruvian jungle.



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Why pack a sleeping bag while in the jungle, when you can use an anaconda?

That is crazy... I am astounded at how large those things can expand! :)

what happened to that man isnt funny..but i think your friend sending you the picture before you go to peru is funny :poke:. Dont fall asleep in the woods :rollhappy:
I don't know how old these pictures are. I saw program about anakondas on Discovery channel. Few scientists were looking for giant anaconda and they didn't find any even in the heart of Amazonian jungles. They said that all giants were killed long time ago. There are only small ones and they can eat as much as cat or dog. But if you are afraid to go to Peru I am always ready to go instead of you. ;) :poke:
I wouldn't worry about a thing....that wasn't an anaconda at was a reticulated python. So you can sleep contentedly...until you plan a trip to Indonesia.......Take care, Eric
Heather said:
Ron, you are not going to be sleeping in the jungle you know? Glen has been there before, and has returned fine, undigested by large reptiles. You both best return. No on else will attend our eastern shows. :poke:

My understanding is that Glen isn't sure what the plans are. Alfredo is taking care of the details in Peru. We will be searching for new species, so we probably will be going further than Glen has gone before. This most likely will require nights spent in the jungle. I am not having any expectations. I will enjoy myself either way. 2 weeks and counting :D
My father has a book on the crocidiles of Borneo, and there is a similar picture of what they can do to humans! Mother nature truly is astounding!

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