P. Pine Glow X P. vietnamense 'October Bride'

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Here is another one I got from Ernie when he visited Portland. I hope this one will not create any controversy like the other two pictures I posted previously.

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That's amazing. I just posted a Pine Glow x delenatii, and the result is essentially a white. Does the color of vietnamense dominate, unlike delenatii, in hybrids?
That's amazing. I just posted a Pine Glow x delenatii, and the result is essentially a white. Does the color of vietnamense dominate, unlike delenatii, in hybrids?

Delenatii tends to wipe out color at times. That PG x del cross is all over the place apparently. Some were pretty darn pink. But vietnamense likes to enhance pinks pretty strongly from the small sampling of hybrids we've seen.

Delenatii tends to wipe out color at times. That PG x del cross is all over the place apparently. Some were pretty darn pink. But vietnamense likes to enhance pinks pretty strongly from the small sampling of hybrids we've seen.


Thanks, Ernie.