Pacific Orchid Exposition

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Pacific Orchid Exposition
San Francisco (Feb 21-24, 2013)

Impressive displays! Many of my pictures did not turn out well. I ended up editing ones that I could save with Photoshop.



Paph. Sonoma


Phrag. Peruflora's Cirila Alca (Phrag. kovachii x Phrag. dalessandroi)

Paph. (Macabre x Hsinying Makurow)


Paph. Atlantinet



Paph. Memoria Ken-Ichi Abe (Fanaticum x Norito Hasegawa)

Paph. Fumi's Delight

Paph. Karl Ploberger (bellatulum x hangianum)

Paph. Leeanum (spicerianum x insigne)



Paph. venustum

Paph. wardii fma alboviride

Paph. tonsum

Paph. Laginot Bangley's




Paph. Saint Swithin

From left:
1. Paph. (Kayday x Sheerline)
2. Paph. Hsinying Rubyweb
3. Paph. Sheerline x (Jolly Green Gem x Halo)



Paph. (Stone Lovely x Ice Castle)




Thanks for sharing. I love that Phrag Peruflora's Cirila Alca and the Paph Fumi's Delight. I got my order from the show last night. What did you get?

I got micranthum eburneum and flowering villosum boxalii from Hengduan; a flask of thaianum and a large barbigerum sulivongii from a Thai nursery (Tropical Exotique); a budded PEOY from Golden Gate and Phal Penang Belle from Ooi Leng Sun.

Not enough cash for leucochilum flask, large diathum, parishii, armeniacum, vietnamense, budded Saint Swithin, phrag kovachii (species!) seedlings, and cypripedium; also, Ooi Leng Sun was selling F5 of Phal bellina.

And most disappointing for me was Tropical Exotique sold out of papuanum, mastersianum, and hookerae (budded too).

I am totally into paph species this time. Tropical Exotique was excellent. First time seller in this show and amazing selection of rare species paph! This seller had many thaianum flasks.
Beautiful photos!!

Sounds like you got a lot of very nice orchids. Do you have any contact information for Tropical Exotique? I tried searching for them but couldn't find any info.
Leo nice pictures, I love the tonsum. Great colour. Can you post a picture of sulivongii and measurements on you your convenience? Thanks!
I was there too. It was very nice. Many of my pictures did not turn out very well either. I wonder if it was the lighting in that building?

I bought a Paph. fairrieanum, and a Paph. tranlienianum from Dean at Paphiness. I had also pre-ordered a Phal. equestris 'Orange' from Ten Shin Gardens. I was sorely tempted to buy a niveum, a bellatulum, and a godefroyae from Dean as well, but I was trying to behave.

I thought it was interesting that there were several vendors who had stalls filled with beautiful Phals......all NOIDs. I asked one of them about it and she got a little snotty with me. :poke:
I noticed OL had a few NOIDs (most mini phal types). Taiwan is the larges export of phals, if I remember right, and I think they're coming from Taiwan like this. It's a shame!
It was a very nice show and I came home with a bag of plants. Most of them were seedling catts. as they grow like weeds for me with little care. I was impressed with the variety of sale plants. I could have spent a fortune, but restrained myself!
Apparently, the Taiwanese Tourism Board (show sponsors) spent about $200k in advertising. :confused:
Attendance seemed low.

Really? Attendance was good, IMHO. Maybe the attendance at the Preview Party was low ($35) but I was also there on Sunday AM and Sunday PM for teardown and there were lots of people buying orchids and photgraphing the displays. The Taiwanese display plants in the entrance were sold for cost if not outright given away. It seemed like there was a radio ad hourly for the month before the event, so advertising was plentiful. When I got there Sunday AM there were 60-70 people lined up to get in. Plants I'd seen at the Preview Party I went back on Sun to see if they were still available and they were gone. shrug. YMMV.

But I was amazed to see people standing in line on a Sunday. I'd a thought Saturday was the busy day.
Pacific Orchid Exposition
San Francisco (Feb 21-24, 2013)

Impressive displays! Many of my pictures did not turn out well. I ended up editing ones that I could save with Photoshop.

Phrag. Peruflora's Cirila Alca (Phrag. kovachii x Phrag. dalessandroi)

There was a second one of this grex displayed right next to this one. The second one looked much more like the delessandroi parent.