Paph callosum 2010

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First blooming this year and it will be one more.
I am pretty happy with the flower formation with a lead singer and his choir:)


Bertil, I'm very impressed about this well cultivated plant in specimen size, further more about its flower count and their unique bendet stems. :drool::drool::drool:
I like paphreek's thought about the arrangement.
Why not give it the cultivar name Paph callosum 'Smokey Robinson an the Miracles' or Paph callosum 'Four Tops'.
Best regards from Germany, rudolf
Now that is how to grow Paphs, as big multi-growth clumps. This is the way to get the best flower quality that the plant can do. Well done.
WOW. Fantastically grown plant. Personally I have never found this an easy species to grow. I love the flower arrangement. Were you moving the plant a lot to get the spiral stems?

Bertil, that's an excellent specimen plant, well done!

I assume it's living on a windowsill? I love the flower arrangement on these stems.
You always make me jealous with your specimen plants! Great growing and great flowers! :)
Thank you all for your nice comments:)

Living on windowsill mostly - darkest time if not blooming below flourescent bulbs always low humidity except during summer.

Steams grows wicked naturally but of course I rotate it now and then when spikes are comming. The setup of the flowers was just luck.

I will think about what to call it and remember your suggestions.