Paph Chrisipuss

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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This plant produced two large flowers, over 3.5 inches spread. I purchased the plant at the Parkside Orchids show in New Jersey from a vendor named Paul Sheetz of JustPat Orchids. Parkside has 5 or 6 greenhouses full of 'good stuff'. One house is devoted to paphs; I wish I had more money to buy some of them. They have very large Paph Rothschildianum and Paph Sanderianum, both in the $100 range ! :clap:
I'd be happy to post a large picture; please tell me how to do it. I used photobucket to post the photo.:mad:
Beautiful flower!

I'd be happy to post a large picture; please tell me how to do it. I used photobucket to post the photo.:mad:

Did you upload a bigger picture to photobucket? If so, when you run your mouse over it's thumbnail, a dropdown menu with choices should occur. The bottom one should begin with "IMG" -- copy that line and paste it into a slippertalk thread. Your larger image should appear when you click on Preview Post, or Submit Reply.
Very nice!

I couldn't find Chrisipuss in the RHS database but there's Paph Chrysippus which is Psyche x roth.

This plant produced two large flowers, over 3.5 inches spread. I purchased the plant at the Parkside Orchids show in New Jersey from a vendor named Paul Sheetz of JustPat Orchids. Parkside has 5 or 6 greenhouses full of 'good stuff'. One house is devoted to paphs; I wish I had more money to buy some of them. They have very large Paph Rothschildianum and Paph Sanderianum, both in the $100 range ! :clap:

Parkside Orchids is located in Pennsylvania.
The show is called Parkfest, also in Pennsylvania.

ELENA: You're correct: I couldn't find Chrisipuss in the RHS database but there's Paph Chrysippus which is Psyche x roth.
I'm not sure what you copied, but I just used the last part and put an before the http, and took out the quotes.


Is the image bigger on your computer? Or are you downsizing it before you upload it to photobucket?

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