Paph Death Star x anitum “Hsiao”

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
Nottingham UK
Hi all,

This is a first time bloom for me around 3 years out of flask from In Charm. Not really had any idea what to expect so was looking for opinions both good or bad. I do like the colours but not sure about the expected form and whether this may change on future blooms. The plant is very healthy and has produced a further 4 new growths.


DSCF4269 by Gary Dobbs, on Flickr
I'm of the same opinion. The color is great, nice and super dark, pretty good saturation. The shape is something I'd expect to be a little unconventional but this flower has some issues with reflexing that are generally considered to be undesirable. It could be much worse, though.
A stunning bloom can't wait to see this process.
I also have this cross bit it is yet to bloom for me.
Thanks for the comments. It may be the same flask as the one on offer through OrchidWeb. I have a few other plants so will see what they produce to see if there isany variation.


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