Paph Franz Glanz (armeniacum 'Yellow Wonder' x emersonii 'Mr Hang')

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L I Jane

This is it's 1st blooming -opened a couple of days ago.
Yes, Bob--you win the prize!! I got it when he spoke at our meeting a couple of years back.Any idea what it might be ???
Nick --you put me on track (I think) I checked it out on Orchid Wiz & it might be Wossner China Moon which was registered by Franz Glanz.The pic. shown was VERY similar.I've also contacted the seller of the plant & sent a pic so maybe he'll have an idea.
Upon investigating with seller with whom I have great confidence,I'm changing back to my original name of Franz Glanz due to the following response:

Paph. Franz Glanz (armeniacum 'Yellow Wonder' x emersonii 'Mr. Hang') ... a lot of these hybrids came from Hawaii, and many of them used Paph. hangianum instead of Paph. emersonii ... which if you look at the clonal name of the P. emersonii "Mr. Hang", could appear that hangianum was used. However, at the time, hangianum was considered illegal, so many of the names were changed. Paph. hangianum is now legal, however it is still to soon to have the hybrids legal. In my opinion, I would loss the clonal name "Mr. Hang" and leave the name as it stands. As far as I'm concerned, I still see it as Paph. Franz Glanz.
It's gorgeous!
Sorry in my eyes a hang X.
Upon investigating with seller with whom I have great confidence,I'm changing back to my original name of Franz Glanz due to the following response:

Paph. Franz Glanz (armeniacum 'Yellow Wonder' x emersonii 'Mr. Hang') ... a lot of these hybrids came from Hawaii, and many of them used Paph. hangianum instead of Paph. emersonii ... which if you look at the clonal name of the P. emersonii "Mr. Hang", could appear that hangianum was used. However, at the time, hangianum was considered illegal, so many of the names were changed. Paph. hangianum is now legal, however it is still to soon to have the hybrids legal. In my opinion, I would loss the clonal name "Mr. Hang" and leave the name as it stands. As far as I'm concerned, I still see it as Paph. Franz Glanz.
What a cop-out! This would disappoint me and now how many of these so-called Franz Glanz's will be used for breeding & screw things up more than they already are!
Sorry but I have zero confidence in your seller! We had a local guy here get one of these fake FG awarded as Franz Glanz and knew it was fake. What's that going to do for all the real FG?
As she stated, the sellor probably knew what it was but due to legal concerns sold it as one thing with the clonal name as a hint.

Right, so put the correct name on it! Like you've said before, the plant natzis aren't going to be beating down her door for that plant.

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