Paph. Franz Glanz

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Grand Chupacabra
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Central North Carolina
Paph. Franz Glanz (emersonii x armeniacum)

It's blooming again. Seems to do alright for me. I divided the plant after it bloomed last, though technically it divided itself. This is a single growth plus a small pup that decided to flower.

Surprisingly, the flower seems like it's larger this time than last time, though it's a little wonky.

Also, I'm detecting a faint fragrance. I can't quite put my finger on what it smells like though. Sort of light, fresh. It doesn't remind me of any particular scent I can put a name to. Maybe it'll come to me later.

I have to say that this is a really lovely hybrid, particularly for fans of yellow flowers like me. Sure, it's not quite as bright and intense as armeniacum, but it's still a nice creamy yellow. The plant itself is fairly small and compact, easily growing (and blooming) under lights. It seems to be somewhat vigorous as well. I keep it evenly moist year round, seems to do fine with that. It does have some issues from time to time with a touch of leaf rot and it's picked up bugs before, so I'd say it requires a little more advanced care compared to something like delenatii, but it isn't terribly much more difficult to grow.



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Is this the same plant that flowered last year?
Does it stay warm year around in your light setup?

I love yellow flowers and this one looks like a yellow emersonii. :)
I have three Franz Glanz of different breeding, and I find them very easy growers so far.
All of them were bought in sheath, but they all aborted (maybe due to shipping in cold).
All three plants sprouted three new growths at the same time last year and all are well. One of them is in low sheath now. Hopefully this time, I will get to see the flower. can't wait!
Is this the same plant that flowered last year?
Does it stay warm year around in your light setup?

I love yellow flowers and this one looks like a yellow emersonii. :)
I have three Franz Glanz of different breeding, and I find them very easy growers so far.
All of them were bought in sheath, but they all aborted (maybe due to shipping in cold).
All three plants sprouted three new growths at the same time last year and all are well. One of them is in low sheath now. Hopefully this time, I will get to see the flower. can't wait!

Yeah, this is a division of the plant that I posted before. I've got a couple other clones, one is approaching blooming size, the other had a setback when it got hit with scale. Will be interesting to see the variation in the flowers.

Good luck with your plants (and blooms).
Nice, is the smell like apples?

I'm still stumped on the scent, partially because it is faint. I suppose apple would work. There's no real sweetness or sharpness or heaviness to it.

It's more like apples that haven't been sliced or peeled and maybe aren't quite fully ripe, like you just picked one up at the grocery store and gave it a sniff to see how close to being ripe it is.

I'll stick with that description for now.
Very nice yellow. And the red blush on the pouch. So what causes the leaf rot and how did you solve it? Thanks

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Here are a couple more pics, with some close ups (as best I can do) of the interior of the pouch. Noticed the staminode is a little damaged, I guess I've been sniffing too much and poking it with my whiskers.





Besides the beautiful interior spots, notice the red blush at the top of the lip/pouch.
Nice, is the smell like apples?

Whom did you get them from, if I may ask?

Two of them, the tags say QF, so Quintal Farm, I guess??
But they both have different numbers, so must be different breeding.

The third one, I have no idea.

So, I just remembered that the third one was from Piping Rock, although Glen's tag doesn't show where it's from.
Glen had one at his show table at Parlside last summer and I grabbed it. He didn't know it was in sheath so I paid the usual price. :)
Cam's Cloud I bought at that same event from him as a medium seedling is now in spike. Has been a good grower.

When I searched around in his greenhouse last year, I think I saw Franz Glanz as well, he must have them laying around here and there.
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Thank you!

How long was yours in spike for?
Mine, before blasting, was in sheath for quite some time.
Maybe they were already dead and just sit there before finally turning brown.

I hope this new one makes it.
I can't wait to find out what it would look like, so I could clear some space. :evil:

Yeah, this is a division of the plant that I posted before. I've got a couple other clones, one is approaching blooming size, the other had a setback when it got hit with scale. Will be interesting to see the variation in the flowers.

Good luck with your plants (and blooms).
Hawaii, where the orchids grow the best in the U.S.! :)

I wish I lived there, but gosh! It is so far away from everything! lol
V So what causes the leaf rot and how did you solve it? Thanks

Probably just my heavy handed watering, though I think some plants are just susceptible to it. I do preventative neem sprays, keep fans going, and treat immediately if I see rot. It's not 100%, but pretty good. Also, I use a copper sulfate spray and cinnamon to help treat affected plants/leaves.

I think they start having problems once they're weakened by other issues. For instance, last fall, ants came in when the weather got cool. I didn't notice they brought scale until there was scale on a bunch of plants. I treated for bugs, but overall, the infestation and treatment weakened some plants, which I ultimately couldn't save and ended up rotting.

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