It's been several years since I last visited, but Russ Bolt from Looking Glass Orchids (About Looking Glass Orchids) had some of these species for sale at one point. No guarantees obviously, but it might be worthwhile to email or call him if you haven't already.
The current list of available orchids on the site doesn't include them, but I don't think that list is super accurate or up to date with his stock based on past experience.
I consider LGO a reputable source, though perhaps not widely known. And unless things have changed dramatically in recent history, the prices on plants were very reasonable given the sizes.
The best is also to reduce your wishes. Paphiopedilum glanduliferum is a missed species. Nobody in the last 100 years has seen it and we know only an old print of. Paphiopedilum gardineri is only a synonym and the name was often used in trade for a Paph. praestans. Here the print of Cypripedium gardineri Guillemard in ‘The Cruise of the Marchesa to Kamschatka & New Guinea’, ed.1, 2: 309; 1896.
I got a flask of Paphiopedilum wilhelminae 'Mocha Carmel Twist' AM/AOS x self four years ago, many are just about blooming size. I was present the day the plant was awarded, great form. I'd say $45 in 4 inch, add $8 to ship
I'll poke around more in the morning, I may have overstated how many I'd potted on from their little baskets. ONE is good sized in 4", and I'll check to see how many more from this exact cross I can find already potted. The ones in baskets haven't grown as fast or as much. There are a few from other lines, Orchid Inn's for instance. I'll go through the whole bench when it's light out.
OK so I've poked around. I find that I only potted two to 4", so here are one of the 4", an Orchid Inn plantin 4", and three still in little baskets, leaf span about 2", I guess the littles three years to bloom, the 4" are blooming size. The basket babies are all the Caramel Twist x self. I'd call them $20 each, so if you want these five, 20 x 3 + 45 x 2 = $150, add $10 to ship = $160. If that's good for you, send your email and I'll send a paypal invoice,
If you only want the 4" pots, blooming size (the one from Orchid Inn bloomed, about 13 cm across the petals), that's fine with me, $45 X 2 + 10 to ship = $100.
I also have two glanduliferum = praestans, could put your name on them fordivisions when ready. One has an AM and the other is the clone previously owned by Rod Mclellan Co,