Paph Hampshire Crown

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Jun 9, 2006
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North central Minnesota
Hampshire Crown = Fiery Crown x charlesworthii...............Fiery Crown = fairrieanum x Milionette
Not great form, but interesting color


What stunning blooms!! I love the rich , deep color of the blooms and the contrasting white edging on the dorsal! It's a beauty!
Ross... were you wearing your glasses when you looked at this one, it's gorgeous, just my opinion.... Jim.
Cool. I like the colour break at the peak of the dorsal. Makes for nice contrast in the solid purple/red. Lovely rich colours. Wish it was mine.

I have to agree. The color breaks are very attractive in this case- and seems to be consistent in both flowers.

how big is the plant? looks like Red Beauty 'Bion' to me...
Great color and the shape is interesting: looks like a nice smile :)
how big is the plant? looks like Red Beauty 'Bion' to me...

The leaf span is about the same as Red Beauty 'Bion', but the leaves are narrower and solid green. In comparing the two flowers side by side, the Hampshire Crown has a darker pouch color, but Red Beauty has wider petals and an overall rounder shape. I will try to post a side by side picture of the two when I get a chance, possibly Sunday.
that's a beauty is such a large plant...pity neither species brought the size down much, but i guess that's pretty common in charlesworthii crosses - the charleworthii doesn't appear to do much to diminish plant size - woodrose, sierra sunrise, wawona maiden - all are pretty big plants...
Overall in look, the Hampshire Crown appears to be in the medium size for a standard complex. The Red Beauty, while about the same leaf span appears a little larger because of the wider, more turgid leaves.

I've also found the most charlesworthii crosses a bit disappointing in their large size. However, the only charlesworthii x complex plants I've acquired are select plants, that were most likely selected based on their large flower size, form, and/or color.

One exception to the large rule is this cross: charlesworthii x Mem. George A. Benedict. Leaf span is 10 inches which is close to charlesworthii itself. Certainly not a "tea cup' Paph, but definitely compact. This may be due to the other parent, Mem. George A. Benedict (Merce Lou Audino x Liz Greelees), but I can't be sure as I never saw it. This plant came from a flask I purchased in 2001.
