I was thrilled to receive my first FCC at a recent show in Victoria, BC. Not only did the AOS judges like my paph but the ribbon judging team also awarded it Best Paphiopedilum, Best First Bloom Seedling and Grand Champion. Some of you will recall the unfortunate mishap I wrote about in an earlier thread when one of the petals accidentally got torn off. I was advised by you good folks on ST to send the plant anyway and, wow, here's what happened. Several AOS judges told me that the rest of the flowers were so spectacular and the plant showed so well that the torn petal was barely noticeable on judging day. The official photos are on Orchid Pro for those of you who want to view them. They're a bit tricky to find however, but they'll come up if you type Paphiopedium Haur Jih in the search (leave out Isabel). Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and suggestions throughout the earlier thread on this orchid. It had the best possible outcome!