This great site and all your nice comments on my previous posts are so inviting to share more!
My Paph addiction resulted in 10 yrs 'simple windowsill' then 15 yrs 'greenhouse' and finally 15 yrs 'in house LED light' growing area.
With limited space I focus mainly on albino slipper species. As you can imagine with that challenging growing area & focus; not every story has a fairy tale ending.
Keeping humidity; airflow; pest control & light levels all at a human healthy level is never easy, but luckily I can post another flowering I had earlier this year.

My Paph addiction resulted in 10 yrs 'simple windowsill' then 15 yrs 'greenhouse' and finally 15 yrs 'in house LED light' growing area.
With limited space I focus mainly on albino slipper species. As you can imagine with that challenging growing area & focus; not every story has a fairy tale ending.
Keeping humidity; airflow; pest control & light levels all at a human healthy level is never easy, but luckily I can post another flowering I had earlier this year.