Paph. intaniae - anyone grown this from flask?

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May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Good evening everyone,

Just wondering if anybody has tackled intaniae from flask yet. I have a flask arriving in a day or two.

From what I have read here, the plants like their water- so I am planning to use the new orchiata mix I have been using with Paph and Phrag compots and then water daily versus every other day- just as I do with sanderianum out of flask. Welcome any feedback on that approach plus any other tips.
No good news I fear. It has been a while since I dealt with a first generation new species from flask and I was not as prepared as I should have been. I lost them- in much the same way I lost my first generation tigrinum flasks many years ago. Now tigrinum is easy, so I think I will just wait until this species has been in cultivation a little longer.

If I had it to do over again, I would have used NZ Sphag just to keep the moisture up at all times even though I generally loathe using that material around here. I know many people like it, but NZ is just not something I have ever really warmed up to. Still- it would have been just the thing here to keep the plants moist without frequent watering and the risks of rot that come with that.
No good news I fear. It has been a while since I dealt with a first generation new species from flask and I was not as prepared as I should have been. I lost them- in much the same way I lost my first generation tigrinum flasks many years ago. Now tigrinum is easy, so I think I will just wait until this species has been in cultivation a little longer.

If I had it to do over again, I would have used NZ Sphag just to keep the moisture up at all times even though I generally loathe using that material around here. I know many people like it, but NZ is just not something I have ever really warmed up to. Still- it would have been just the thing here to keep the plants moist without frequent watering and the risks of rot that come with that.
Sorry to hear this. Curious where you got the flask from.
Ya. I have 7 plants left ( assuming the flask is truly that)

most of my losses were me. I’ll take a photo when I get back in the greenhouse.

I’d also see if anyone with a Hilmar connection could get you any advice from him. He was my source.
Flask came from a reliable resource. I think the core issue was the poor rooting made for a very difficult transition to keeping the seedlings properly hydrated without them rotting. The species is sufficiently interesting to me that I will have another go next year if someone releases a new sib or selfing. Time will tell...