I like your flower, good spread, classic jackii shape. The bleeding of color out of the stripes is a bit unusual, but other than that, nice jackii.
Looks all jackii to me, but a shot of the foliage would confirm it. Foliage of jackii is more like foliage reminiscent of lawrenceanum than foliage of malipoense. The hybrid (malipoense x jackii) the foliage favors malipoense. Your staminode is typical jackii. In the hybrid (malipoense x jackii) the staminode will be a spiderwork of purple that coalesces to a purple bee mark. The bee mark is much smaller than in 'pure' malipoense. The purple veining is light enough I would say all jackii.
Paph jackii is around, I don't know about legal or not, but there are adult plants in the US, and there are hybrid plants of (malipoense x jackii alba) floating around. I think the hybrids came in as flasks from a certain grower in Germany. Definitely jackii is a slow grower, but it is quicker than malipoense, and its hybrids bloom quicker than malipoense hybrids. Well worth growing. They have been here so long, I doubt USFWS is interested in tracking them down if they are considered illegal, but I am not sure. I know many USA growing think (I am not sure if it is correct or not) that if they are listed as malipoense var. jackii they are legal. Whatever. The species has been in the US since early 1990's. They are beautiful.