paph kolopakingii var Giganteum x paph haynaldianum, paph. Julius, phrag Peruflora's Cirila Alca,

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Nov 22, 2022
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Please let me know if this is not proper on this site to post late. Like everyone else .. I have family and I just never got to posting. As poor as my photography skills are, I thought I would share the plants that gave me joy. The kolopakingii cross is from Sept. The second Peruflora's Cirila Alca just finished. The pic with the measuring tape is just for size reference as the colour is most close to the second image. The furry plush pouch seems unreal to me!? The Julius, is currently being enjoyed and was the inspiration for the post. I have two other phrags blooming now, maybe I will try to overcome my tech challenged skills and get images of them up before summer ;)


  • kolopakingii var Giganteum x haynaldianum 'Maple'.jpg
    kolopakingii var Giganteum x haynaldianum 'Maple'.jpg
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  • Paph Julius lowii x rothschildianum 'New Bear'  .jpg closer.jpg
    Paph Julius lowii x rothschildianum 'New Bear' .jpg closer.jpg
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  • Phrag Peruflora's Cirila Alca measure.jpg
    Phrag Peruflora's Cirila Alca measure.jpg
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  • Phrag Peruflora's Cirila Alca.jpg outside.jpg
    Phrag Peruflora's Cirila Alca.jpg outside.jpg
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  • Paph Julius lowii x rothschildianum 'New Bear' x .jpg inside.jpg closer.jpg
    Paph Julius lowii x rothschildianum 'New Bear' x .jpg inside.jpg closer.jpg
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Do you have some photos of the foliage for this kolo hybrid? I'm curious to see what that looks like. What drew you to this hybrid, out of curiosity?
I will get my photos of the plants up as soon as I can. Unfortunately I am quite tech challenged in taking photos, AND esp. in getting photos uploaded. Thank you so much for the question though! I loved multi-floral paphs from the get-go. Doug and Terry Kennedy came to speak at an orchid meeting (NROS) when I was a member 20-25 years ago (the talk was actually on "then" current breading trends and I was mesmerized by slide images of red paphs, phrags, and red oncidium hybrids) so I called soon after to visit Our Tropics to pick up a couple plants. I could not find paph Julius at the time (still my favourite) and many plants I could find were just too expensive to experiment with. I had read about both parents, and Terry offered me this plant as a good starter. I am so glad she did. A small reasonable plant survived my learning curve and eventually became a yearly performer. It almost always has 5 blooms on a ridiculously upright strong raceme, I had six several times (even though the kolopakingii can be stingy with that gene) and the pastel colouring from the hayanaldiamun is more pleasing than I thought it would be. My photography will never do it justice. It flowered beautifully once during the RBG show several years ago, but I just couldn't find the time to take it myself and as your question also hints, it is not an easy specimin to transport. "Strapping" strap leaves are just over 24" so a 4 foot span. Julius is the same but the leaves are not as broad. Lady Isabel the same. Of course I chose the most suitable plants (not) as I grow under lights and they summer outside. It wasn't until the last several years that I managed to get their humidity up well enough during the winters that they didn't suffer without making windows run with water and grow mold (finally invested in a proper hygrometer). They always looked beautiful in the fall after months outside, and then struggled to make it to the next spring. (Lots of stunted root leads initiating by the spring) Top dressing with sphagnum really helped as well. Thank you again for your interest. I LOVE your handle by the way, my friend always calls her fridge crisper "the rotter" . I definitely identify with the name ;)
Please let me know if this is not proper on this site to post late. Like everyone else .. I have family and I just never got to posting. As poor as my photography skills are, I thought I would share the plants that gave me joy. The kolopakingii cross is from Sept. The second Peruflora's Cirila Alca just finished. The pic with the measuring tape is just for size reference as the colour is most close to the second image. The furry plush pouch seems unreal to me!? The Julius, is currently being enjoyed and was the inspiration for the post. I have two other phrags blooming now, maybe I will try to overcome my tech challenged skills and get images of them up before summer ;)
What is kolopakingii variety giganteum? Is that a formally described variety of kolopakingii? Or an invented name to sell more plants?

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