Paph Lady Luck

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
North East Tennessee, Z6 , Sunroom, flourecent lig
Another one that appreciated the change in water, medium ,and fertilizer.
I have a much better picture from 2007, the last time it bloomed.
And a question here-what did you change from and to that make a big difference?

I was growing my paphs in semi-hydro ...seemed to work good for a while ,but when I noticed no new growths on the majority of my collection, I went to unpotting them and found all the roots had fertilizer burn. They were growing in toxic waste from me not knowing how important it is to know your water and what fertilizer is best for your growing medium & water. They were sustaining life from their leaves. It is amazing how tough these guys are !!

I switched this past Spring to a paph bark mix from Arcadia Glass House . I did add a bit of Aussie Gold to the mix. ..about 1/4 to a bag of their paph mix. Started using rain water and RO with MSU for that . So far very happy with the results. I am seeing blooms I haven't seen in 2 years !
Gilda- That is good to know!! I have been having some problems with callosums and certain Maudie type seedlings. Growth would be slow, or get very leggy, and sometimes would die off. I noticed roots were poor on repotting. I use a bark mix, too. Have been using tap water that has sat for a few days. Our water is hard here. Lately, I have been mixing tap and distilled water. I think I am getting an RO system for Christmas! Your roots and blooms look fabulous!! Thanks for sharing your information.
Gilda- That is good to know!! I have been having some problems with callosums and certain Maudie type seedlings. Growth would be slow, or get very leggy, and sometimes would die off. I noticed roots were poor on repotting. I use a bark mix, too. Have been using tap water that has sat for a few days. Our water is hard here. Lately, I have been mixing tap and distilled water. I think I am getting an RO system for Christmas! Your roots and blooms look fabulous!! Thanks for sharing your information.

Be careful with your water- if it's really pure, and you use an acidifying fertilizer (most are, especially ones that don't have Ca or Mg in them-not a direct correlation, but a definite relationship), you'll end up with a pH through the floor, like I was stupidly doing... I assumed that because the pH of my tap water is 7.9, it was "salty." Nope- not a lot of buffering power in this stuff- add my 125 ppm N, and Bam! pH 4.3 here I come! Too bad you live so far from Maine- we'd probably do well cutting our water with each others!