Paph micranthum grown outdoors

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I have had this one growing outdoors for two years now. Last spring it came in to sheath and i thought it was going to bloom but it just sat that way till this winter/spring. I was reading about the climate conditions for paph micranthum and gave this a try. It does get to low 30s f but it is dry when that happens. In the summer it can reach a 100 f but mostly in the 90s. I have it potted in medium bark and lots of sand. It gets watered by my sprinklers in the summer and the rain in the winter, sometimes I hose water if it gets to dry or to hot. I thought it came out pretty cool. Will see if it grows any new growths. 12/outdoormic3rs.jpg 12/outdoormic2rs.jpg
I dont know what happened but my icon to put the photos in wouldn't work.
Very nice. I wonder if the rocks are creating a micro climate for the micranthum. In any case don't forget to repot that beauty. If it was me, I might try a armeniacum in there as well. Looks like you found the perfect place for the little guy.
It seems to me that the warm spring/summer is the key (90's) to let the bud grow and eventually ppen and not to bud blast. Good growing!
I do definitely think the rocks help out, sort of like a humidity tray. I was going to try a armeniacum out there. I wanted to see if the micranthum lived and made new growths. I have a few mics and only a couple armeniacum.
In the early spring here, it could be real warm one day and then cold (relatively speaking) the next. the bud would definitely grow faster on the warmer days.
I figured out how to put the photos in


Awesome! You're brave, not sure I would be able to sleep at night, imagining a big grasshopper eating the bloom or something lol :)
Thanks everyone.
I put snail bait out alot. I was thinking of putting a few things out there to see how they do. Its sort of a good spot in the yard. I would say it gets to low 30s a few days out of the year. It stays about 40s and then it could be 50s ( low temps in the winter)