your words seem to indicate to me that you don't think it is....
Interesting flower Jean. What are you thinking ? Hybrid? a varent of ang thong?
No P. thaianum, that's rather different from this flower.It has more of that "thaianun" look to me Jean. Is this a possibility?
Hi Jean,
sorry but that's pure P. niveum at least in my eyes.
I quote H. Koopowitz: "The staminode of P. niveum is usually as wide as the base of the pouch and thus can be used to tell pure P. niveum apart from Paph x ang-thong or hybrid plants where the staminode is sustantially norrower."
No P. thaianum, that's rather different from this flower.
Best regards from Germany, rudolf
...but could not interprete the meaning of 'base'. Does he mean the upper part (opening of the pouch; that would match), or the lower part, that is of course much narrower?