Paph Sander's Pride

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Mar 4, 2010
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Columbus Ohio
I bought this labeled as Prince Edward of York back in 2002 or so. At that time it was a 2 mature growth plant, so already probably 10 years old at the time. Forward to 2015 and it finally flowers for the first time. And the label is wrong it is sand x stonei, albeit a nice one. Worth the wait in the end.

That's an incredible bloom. I love to see a lot of stonei influence dominate in its hybrid, and this one definitely delivers.

Now that I think about it, I believe I only have one sanderianum hybrid, might be about time to go shopping.
Very nice Justin.

So you bought it with two FS growths and it has taken 13 years to flower? What has the plant been doing in that time? Is the growth in flower one of the original two growths?
it is still the original two growths, plus a start now. the growths have basically replaced themselves with leaves in all that time. the plant has been just growing very slowly all this time. never really set back, just very very slow.