Paph spicerianum

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Jun 9, 2006
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North central Minnesota
This is its second blooming. Unusual shape
It is a different shape to what I've seen but it's a quality flowering. Nice colour and a good strong shape for that species. My initial reaction was that it might be a cross but I can't see that it is crossed with anything.

Just a great flower.
I was told by the person I bought it from that the plant originally came from the Orchid Zone. While it doesn't have the trade mark reflexed dorsal of spcerianum, I like it for breeding hybrids because of that.
A sign of the times ......
I'm straddling the fence on these, to me some of the charm of the species is lost without some reflexing of the dorsal but yet if it was a chuck, I'd like & want the flattened dorsal! :crazy: ?
A sign of the times ......
I'm straddling the fence on these, to me some of the charm of the species is lost without some reflexing of the dorsal but yet if it was a chuck, I'd like & want the flattened dorsal! :crazy: ?

I tend to agree with you, Rose. My favorite spicerianum for enjoyment has a more standard shape. What intrigues me about this one is its use for hybrids. I used it for my remake of Paph Niobe, and now, I may use it to remake Paph Spicy Henry. I purchased a flask of this cross a while back and the blooms while colorful, could use some improvement in form. Here's a couple examples of the best.


Ross, might pay to google up a Paph called Bruno 'Model'. A Paph thats heavy spicerianum influence and looks a lot like yours. I think there has been some cross breeding back to Bruno with spicerianum to create some of those exceptional spicerianums seen in Asia/Japan.
Ross, might pay to google up a Paph called Bruno 'Model'. A Paph thats heavy spicerianum influence and looks a lot like yours. I think there has been some cross breeding back to Bruno with spicerianum to create some of those exceptional spicerianums seen in Asia/Japan.

I've seen Bruno 'Model'. One of our members sells divisions periodically. It's a much larger flower than this one. It looks like spicerianum on steroids. With my interest in compact breeding, I deliberately use this plant because of its smaller overall size.
I saw one in person for the first time last year. I like these alot. yours looks very nice.

I'm thinking along the lines of Eric in that, Is this flower in the right proportions? The dorsal appears to be stunted. Giving a more flat appearance. What can you tell us about the dorsal Ross?
I'm thinking along the lines of Eric in that, Is this flower in the right proportions? The dorsal appears to be stunted. Giving a more flat appearance. What can you tell us about the dorsal Ross?

The flower is as it appears. The dorsal has bloomed out the same both times. The flower is definitely more compact vertically. I had a conversation with a grower that said that this look comes from a particular clone the I believe was called spicerianum 'Bostock'. I may be wrong on that name, so anyone that can correct me, please do.

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