Here’s an old hybrid. I’ve been working on it for 3 years. Came from a grower who grew all cacti, from seed, in the same window as this plant, for 15 hadn’t bloomed in a long time. The stems each had two good leaves but each probably had two dozen dried-up leaves attached. He watered and fed it on the same schedule as the cacti. So, that’s an unfiltered south west window, watered once a month and often little to nothing in the winter, for many years. He said it had stopped blooming some years before. I’m not into hybrids per se but this one has taught me so much about Brachypetalum. It’s in Hausermann’s mix, I think the clay pot helps with temperature and transpiration. In unfiltered southeast-slanting window, but behind my old “heritage” 3-foot-wide P. rothschildianum. Pure RO water, was fed every 3 weeks with Jack’s liquid until Ray Barkalow got me started on his magical Michigan mix a couple months ago, which I think may have started the bloom. I think it’s a pretty little flower but it’s the leaves that will keep it in my collection forever. Thank you all for your inspiration.
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