I purchased a compot from Hillsview in 2019. This is the second on to bloom from that compot. The first one had a deformed pouch so I did not post about it.
I am hoping this one continues to open but time will tell. 3 more are in low spike. This is very exciting for me, since these are appearing to bloom more readily than my typical charlesworthii which are much more mature plants.

If you have one from me, it is from the same compot. Mine went through a growth spurt this year.
I am hoping this one continues to open but time will tell. 3 more are in low spike. This is very exciting for me, since these are appearing to bloom more readily than my typical charlesworthii which are much more mature plants.

If you have one from me, it is from the same compot. Mine went through a growth spurt this year.