Happypaphy7 Paphlover Joined Aug 14, 2014 Messages 8,334 Reaction score 2,570 Location Berlin Oct 1, 2017 #1 Those of you who do well with this species, please spill some tips. Thank you!
K ksriramkumar Well-Known Member Joined Jul 18, 2016 Messages 534 Reaction score 1 Location Bangalore Oct 4, 2017 #2 Its a first season for me. What I observe about this species is that it has a specific season to grow roots and likes to be grown in bright light. Once it establishes roots, it does very well.
Its a first season for me. What I observe about this species is that it has a specific season to grow roots and likes to be grown in bright light. Once it establishes roots, it does very well.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,755 Reaction score 1,630 Location New York City Apartment Oct 4, 2017 #3 Send them to me!