I'm (again!

) with Rudolf all the way...
In distinguishing between godefroyae and leucochillum Braem actually takes Cribb to task for in his huge monography on The Genus Paphiopedilun to misinterprete/mistranslate the original description of godefroyae to have an unspotted pouch (as the germans say: "Hier irrt Goethe!").
Godefroyaes have spotted lips, whilst leucochillums have all unspotted pouches (on the outside, that is). The taxonomix status of leucochillum on the other hand seems to wary, depending on which botanist you consult: some have it as only a colour form of godefroyae, some as a variety of same, others again consider it a legitimate species in its own right. For horticultural purposes either would probably do, but for hybridization.
Ang-thong seems to be a more complex issue, as Rudolf indicates: some speculates that these plants in their original habitat have a hybridic background (i.e. they are the natural hybrid P. x ang.thong), others consider them conspecific with godefroyae. Beside the fact that they originate from the island of Ang-Thong, I can't recall to have read a description, that made it clear to me, how they distinguish from the other two members of "the godefroyae complex"?!
I wonder, whether some of our learned friends in these pages can provide us with some usefull information in this respect?