Greetings from Madeira!
I picked up this plant last year from a kind older woman who was reducing her cut Paph collection as she was unable to keep up with it anymore. It is grown in the traditional handmade Madeiran Paph pot, which leads me to think this plant is one of the handful that has been here a very long time. King Arthur is from 1915 and would certainly have made it to Madeira early in its history, so that is what I think I have here. Also its vigor, bloom time and use for cut flower production point to King Arthur. King Arthur (or whatever this is) is far less common than Paph. insigne here, but you still see this hybrid around from time to time. I would love to know what other old hybrids are hiding in back gardens around the island!
I would value any other ideas if you think this is not King Arthur. I would also value cultural suggestions to get the flowers to all face the same way! I tried my best not to turn the pot after budding, but there are others who like to rearrange my plants sometimes!

I picked up this plant last year from a kind older woman who was reducing her cut Paph collection as she was unable to keep up with it anymore. It is grown in the traditional handmade Madeiran Paph pot, which leads me to think this plant is one of the handful that has been here a very long time. King Arthur is from 1915 and would certainly have made it to Madeira early in its history, so that is what I think I have here. Also its vigor, bloom time and use for cut flower production point to King Arthur. King Arthur (or whatever this is) is far less common than Paph. insigne here, but you still see this hybrid around from time to time. I would love to know what other old hybrids are hiding in back gardens around the island!
I would value any other ideas if you think this is not King Arthur. I would also value cultural suggestions to get the flowers to all face the same way! I tried my best not to turn the pot after budding, but there are others who like to rearrange my plants sometimes!