Paphiopedilum sanderianum 'Dark Beauty' x 'Newberry Tresses'

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
This photo was taken on Sept 26, 2018 (so it isn't in bloom now), but I have been a bit busy and hadn't had time to process photos. I got this in 2012 as a pretty large seedling, and the first bloom was in April 2015 with 2 flowers. At that time, it was located deep in the grow tent (it isn't easy to access the plants in the back with 4'x4' tent), so I didn't bother taking photos. It made 3 flowers this time, and I managed to get it out of the tent without breaking the petals (the tent is pretty crowded, and the petals were tangled in between leaves of other plants).

After the Flickr's policy change, I'm trying google photos now.




I tried to use Google Photos for sharing, but they aren't too friendly with embedding in forums, so the photos might disappear in the future. I'll stop using Google Photos until they make it better, but the photos of this thread can be found in my Shared album of Orchids from Google Photos.
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It's hard to go wrong with a sanderianum. I've seen these for sale, too. Maybe if C&H still has them next time I make it by, I should pick one up. That's very lovely.
Nice. How did you use Google Photos to link the images? I need to get out of Flickr as well.
Thank you, all.

Nice. How did you use Google Photos to link the images? I need to get out of Flickr as well.

It is not as easy as Flickr and I can't have a gallery (public album) easily, but I think there is no storage limit if you upload smaller images (I think < 16mp, but I upload much smaller files (1280pixels wide).

1. From left bar, click "sharing" to create an shared album.
2. I uploaded the photos to this album by dragging them from my computer to the browser window.
3. click the photo, so it is displayed in the full page (not in the album vies).
4. Then right click the image and select 'Copy Image Address' (in Mac with Safari, but I think there are similar options in other browsers).
5. To embed the photo into the post, you type in
where longURL is the copied image address.

Update: Actually, the method above works sometime and not always. I can see the photos on my browser when I am logged into google account, but image may or may not be visible to others. Or the image may disappear since the URL changes after a couple days. The link I created in step 4 might not be showing the link to the public image even though it is in shared album. The link below suggests that you can push the "Share" button (top right of the image), and select "Create Link". Visit this link for sharing, and click the image again. Then copy the image address. I tried this to for some images which disappeared. But I think that it is not worth the trouble, and I'm going to stop using Google Photos for now.

Here is a more detailed direction:
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Wonderful. Congratulations on floeering s sanderianum. The plant looks very compact?

David, yes, it seems to be pretty compact. The longest leaf is about 28cm (11"). I remember the last growth was a bit bigger (maybe by 30%), so I was a bit surprised that it flowered. It is possible that it became more compact with more light (the leaves are fairly yellow, too). I don't think that it is declining, the third (new) growth is growing well. Compared with other Paphs, it does grow slower under my condition, though.
It's hard to go wrong with a sanderianum. I've seen these for sale, too. Maybe if C&H still has them next time I make it by, I should pick one up. That's very lovely.

The last few times I was there they didn't have any, no roths or other multis either. It feels like they are trying to thin things out to sell off or retire, over half the greenhouses are empty and staple plants that they used to always have like multifloral Paphs are long gone.
Any time you can bloom a sanderianum is a great achievement. I am hoping mine will bloom this year. It is easy to tell when they are going to flower because the plant elongates so radically.
Any time you can bloom a sanderianum is a great achievement. I am hoping mine will bloom this year. It is easy to tell when they are going to flower because the plant elongates so radically.

Interesting, Justin. By "elongate", do you mean that it started to grow taller (more stand up) or do you mean that the leaves suddenly become longer? The first time it flowered a couple years ago, I vaguely remember that it suddenly started to make longer leaves before the initiation of the bud formation.
I have heard a couple of people say that sanderianum initially grows extremely slowly. So slowly in fact, that is hard to imagine they will ever reach flowering size. Then they get to a certain size and they just take off.

I got a flask of sanderianum off Sam two years back. I hope to live long enough to flower them. :) They are actually growing OK. Four or five of them have increased in size quite a bit. I also got a flask od WBW x roths at the same time. The sanderianum's are doing much better.

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