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Orchid Iconoclast
Staff member
Supporting Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Oak Island NC
Reading of Lori.B’s loss made me think a “we are idiots” pet story might be in order.

We’ve always had cats. On my own, that started with a black alley cat kitten I rescued in Atlanta. She lived in the dorms with me and even went on our honeymoon. She, “BC”, taught later kittens how to catch buzz-bombing blue jays.

At our peak, before we had those 2-legged pets you pay tuition for, we had 2 Irish Setters, 5 cats and the occasional litter, 4 fish tanks, and a pair of finches. We even moved them all (less the finches) from KY to SC, and later the dogs and cats (and my growing orchid collection) to NJ then PA.

Fast forward to having a son and a daughter - we still typically had 2-3 cats and a dog or two. our daughter was a sniffly little kid, but that happens. At 18, when going away to college in NC, she told us “the air must be cleaner down here, as I am SO less congested! Then she went to a fraternity party at a house that had a mascot cat, and - BOOM - sniffles again.

So we basically raised her in the presence of critters she was allergic to, and never gave it a thought.

You can bet that’ll be in her “Mommy Dearest” book.
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