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Guard cells is of no meaning, unfortunately... I tried that and compared to hardcore chromosome counting, and it is not reliable. As for the 4n 2n etc... there are naturals 4n plants of many species around, so to mention it for judging would be quite useless...

Schilleriana, I have never seen a Philippine schilleriana like the Pink Princess, that's definitely a good 4n.

On the other side, I have seen schilleriana from Sabah, mine are going to bloom now. They are distinctive, as some have nearly no mottling of the leaves, branching spikes, and funnier, they make real stolons, like a very large flower spike with a plant at the tip... It could well be the 2n ancester of those ones. Sabah gets a lot of species that are similar to the Philippines, but usually of much better quality. Paph philippinense, haynaldianum, schilleriana, amabilis, etc...
