Phrag Acker's Star

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
North East Tennessee, Z6 , Sunroom, flourecent lig
Finally after 5 years of growing this and it blasting bud after bud we have a bloom ! :clap: I have to give my hubby credit for keeping the blooming growth watered ,which had climbed up and out of the medium . We had a "collar" around that growth ,but it still got too dry ,so without his careful watering I am sure it would have blasted the bloom again. It's a huge bloom and a keeper !
ACK! More long petals:p
Yay besseae hybrids!

How did you make the collar? I'm currently trying small net pots filled with live sphagnum around stolonous growths.

We have used a plastic pot with the top third or so cut so it can slip inside the original pot and have also used metal sheeting, which can be very sharp ! Anything will work that will hold whatever medium you are using around the new growth. My low humidity is hard on exposed roots.
My kind of petals!

Have measured under 20% humidity in the home during past winters.
Beautiful. Definitely worth waiting for! I'm glad you stuck with it. I suspect some of us might have thrown up our hands in despair and passed it on to someone else.
great looking it a multi?
Phrags need some rigorous care (mostly watering), but they are so rewarding..
Congrats! :)