Hmm... I would hope somebody spends the time to find a better image than my crappy photography for selling their plants. I mark them to make it more difficult to steal them, but it isn't perfect. I can kick down a dead-bolted door (my own, long story) in less than 10 seconds, although I still lock my doors. A lock is only useful as a deterrent, and a determined thief will bypass any lock. Why pick my image when somebody else hasn't marked theirs? If anybody wants to use my awful photos for a talk or wants an unmarked image for some valid purpose (even for selling!), just ask.
I don't think that your photography is crappy at all. I think it's a nice photo and I like it a lot. Of course, I like the subject matter a lot too!....And I'm really pleased to have the opportunity to see this photo. 'Gives me something really nice to anticipate. I agree with everything else that you say above. Yes, that's exactly correct about a locked door and you've got a point about the text helping a potential thief to decide to just move on and find a photo that they don't have to photoshop; but, I just think that the actual number of people who would steal and use a photo in an advertisement for their own gain, is quite small, compared to the total number of people who will simply enjoy viewing it. Yet, to simply reduce the modest degree of chance that someone will wrongly use a photo, by defacing it, seems counter-productive to the whole reason for posting it in the first place. And if you're not that impressed with your photography skills, as you've indicated, why care about this issue at all? At least, why care so much that you would rather reduce it's appeal to the intended audience by defacing it, than accept the modest risk that someone, sometime, might use it without first asking permission.
Of course, I can't say that you are wrong, any more than mormodes was justified in implying that I was wrong. We're all entitled to our own opinions. I'm just giving MY opinion.....explaining the way I feel....nothing more, nothing less. My point of view is that if someone posts a photo for the viewing pleasure of their forum friends and forum visitors, it's nicer if they enhance the pleasure of seeing their photo by not placing distracting text right over the main subject. If someone wants it, they'll take it, regardless; because of the ease with which it can be edited and cleaned up. So, IMO, instead of defacing photos that you post, why not just go after the people who actually do steal your work and use it for their own purposes without authorization? If you're really that committed to this issue, you're going to have to chase down thieves anyway because there will be some who will simply use photoshop to erase the text, anyway.
I think I still have six of these left. Slow developing spikes though. I might be waiting until May. I sold a whole bunch of these in spike at my fall shows, so I hope to see them in bloom at future shows. I'm kind of curious, since I've only seen the one bloom (in person). Not my cross, I just found them at one of the wholesalers I work with. There were three other kovachii crosses (four?), and I sold all the spiked ones of those too. Probably should have kept a few!
I admire your ability to let plants of a new and exciting cross go before you see them bloom. I find doing that is so-ooooo difficult. I want to see each plant bloom first; but, that means keeping everything for so much longer! Then, because the plants are older and larger, the price must be higher, which reduces the potential pool of paying customers and makes marketing them more difficult and time consuming. Sometimes, from a business point of view, I'm my own worst enemy. I know that if I had endless amounts of money, I'd keep everything and just keep building more greenhouses! LOL! ....And hiring staff, etc., etc. Oh well, we all have our silly dreams!:rollhappy: