Is it still?
(pearcei ‘Spring Glow’ x warscewiczianum)
pearcei x popowii (humboldtii)? warscewiczianum is the old wallisii and Phragmipedium Memoria Garren Weaver is much paler.
No offence Eliseo but, although she uses the old name Dot has the name of the plant right. The confusion especially in this case is very understandable.
warscewiczianum (note spelling) is the old name for the Meso American taxon now known as popowii / humboldtii.
warszewiczianum (again note spelling) is the new name for the taxon formerly know as wallisii
Hi Dot,
warscewiczianum (note spelling) is the old name for the Meso American taxon now known as popowii / humboldtii.
warszewiczianum (again note spelling) is the new name for the taxon formerly know as wallisii.
Again, understandable mistake.
All the best,