Phrag pearcei

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
no hatred!!
Finally got mine to bloom....almost


Yours is WAY happier than mine! Just transplanted her into semihydro. We shall see.
Cool. Mine took many years before it started blooming, but once it go to mature size, it seems to bloom regularly and for extended periods of time. I've got one now that's been in bloom for months. Great species, stays short enough that it's easy to manage under lights.
I love the foliage!
Any culture tips?
The roots like to stay cool and wet with fresh clean water, I fertilize then flush, I've been adding epsom salts in fertilizer regimine lately, I grow them in different size and natural rock, some limestone, quite a bit of broken brick
Although a very nice flower, it is clearly not a pearcei. There is certainly some pearcei in there, but in my opinion it's a hybrid with something from the longifolium-complex.

All the best,

It's from o.z. I have the clonal names, well then it must be a wallisii x kovachii by pearceii x longifolium x sargentianum x pearceii x pearceii x pearceii??? You never know about these complexes
Dammit!!!!!!!!!! You are right, my guess it's a backcross to pearceii?? hartwegii must grow wet, I water everyday and they sit in water and they are putting out new roots. aarrgghhh... oh well, I still like them