Phrag schlimii

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
Luxembourg - Europe
I got this plant from Popow last year; it is a nice strong plant (see my gh thread => , last but one pic to the left); the shape is not great, but some more buds to open!


Very nice Jean. They are also in stems here. What is your feed regime for your Phrags.(Azote mgr/L and frequency if it is possible). Many thanks.
...And to think I almost picked one up today. What a missed opportunity.
Such a beauty! I'm jealous!

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.... What is your feed regime for your Phrags.(Azote mgr/L and frequency if it is possible). Many thanks.

Désolé!!! Chemistry was the worst subject for me in school (still curious today how I went through the exams :))!!! This makes it today impossible for me to follow correctly Rick's and others' threads about K-Lite, aso !!!!

I used several standard fertilizers available here in the past; since some months I am using Akerne's RainMix (once a week)!

That's a really large growing plant.
Was it a fresh import?
I only saw the seedlings he was selling last year.

Mine is also a reliable bloomer, but has a much more filigree habitus with smaler leaves.

Désolé!!! Chemistry was the worst subject for me in school (still curious today how I went through the exams :))!!! This makes it today impossible for me to follow correctly Rick's and others' threads about K-Lite, aso !!!!

I used several standard fertilizers available here in the past; since some months I am using Akerne's RainMix (once a week)!

Do you use it at the concentration recommend by AKERNE namely 0.5 gr for one liter. If yes you are feeding at 65 mgr/L (65 ppm) of nitrogen.
Do you use it at the concentration recommend by AKERNE namely 0.5 gr for one liter. If yes you are feeding at 65 mgr/L (65 ppm) of nitrogen.

I checked with Diane when I was there last time: I give 2 of their spoons into a 5litre Gardena sprayer, so that is a bit more ( 2 spoons = 6litres)! And because of the spraying what really gets to the roots is hard to say :) !!! Jean
That's a really large growing plant.
Was it a fresh import?
I only saw the seedlings he was selling last year.

Mine is also a reliable bloomer, but has a much more filigree habitus with smaler leaves.


I think he had the seedlings in his catalogue but he informed me in our mail-communications that he had BS plants too! This was a BS!

I checked with Diane when I was there last time: I give 2 of their spoons into a 5litre Gardena sprayer, so that is a bit more ( 2 spoons = 6litres)! And because of the spraying what really gets to the roots is hard to say :) !!! Jean
So, you are feeding at around 78 gr/L Nitrogen. Many thanks for your communication. Myself I referred 75 ppm N for the Phragmis except for Phrag. pearcei 60 ppm N (black leaves tips at higher concentration).