Phrag Thunderbolt

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Mont Fallu X caudatum



Beautiful. But I wonder if the caudatum used was really popowii (or whatever it's called these days).

I thought it was very dark for a caudatum cross also but, Dot, the plant came from the Orchid Inn. I suspect (but don't know for sure) that it originated with Marilyn Ledoux. She registered the cross in 2006 (I believe). Sam had other plants from her at about that time. If anyone would have things named accurately it would be Marilyn.

Some great photos!
...The plant aint too shabby either :p

Sent from my BlackBerry Bold 9900 using Tapatalk
Very nice I really like this flower

As to "was a popowii, or humboltii or what used to be called warscewiczianum"

Marilyn Ledoux is a friend, and I have often been to her greenhouse, I have seen how she labels her plants. Marilyn is very careful about keeping names correct. She has been aware of, and on top of all the name changes. If she registered a cross as being made with caudatum, you can take it to the bank that she used a caudatum. Grande is another mater. She and I have discussed that many plants labelled Grande could have been made with any one of the species with long petals, crossed with a longifolium. If she used a dark Grande, it could have either species, popowii or caudatum in its background. But in this case I am confident the caudatum parent was caudatum.
I should also add Marilyn does keep plants of Wossner Supergrande (longifolium x humbolitii (syn popowii) ) labelled as a separate hybrid from Grande. So she does stay on top. The problem is that older specimens of Grande the information is lost as to which it really is, Grande or Wossner Supergrande. She does keep older awarded clones of Grande labelled as they came to her, even if she suspects a particular Grande is really Wossner Supergrande.