Phrag vampire slayer from chuck acker deflasked

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
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no hatred!!




Culture tips anybody please:)
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I think It would be more attractive with a different title, these seedlings are phenominal, I'm gonna take progression pics
beautiful seedlings...however they seem to be overpotted. i would have probably put the whole flask into one of those round pots.

Those are nice looking seedlings. I would agree with Justin though, I would have potted them in something much smaller. For whatever reason, little phrags (and other little orchids) seem to like to be very close to one another when they're fresh out of the flask.
These are defenitely alot bigger than they appear in these pictures, I'd like to say thanks to chuck acker for the great flask!!!
Seems to me to be growing well... congratulations I must admit that I had my doubts... amongst other things your media looks too dry, but then again... I water perhaps too heavily....
They grow very wet and warm, there is alot of media in the pots, the bottom half stays pretty much dripping wet, I have 4 ultrasonic humidifiers and 2 powerful fans that are on 24 hours a day
Ok, so it was just the photos that looked dryish. All my phrags (ex caudatum etc) are dripping wet and grow nicely along flowering regularly. Growing from flasks is a great way of paph/phrag growing, the only thing is that you get too many of them which may be difficult to get rid of (for several reasons)
Very true, the benefit is seiing the growing patterns of all the seedlings and knowing at least one of them will bloom