Phragmipedium Green Shadow

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
Lavaltrie, Québec, Canada (Z4)
Green Hornet x Sorcerer's Apprentice

Jean-Pierre, you piqued my curiosity with this statement, so I decided to do a little color correcting, I hope you don't mind.

I can see the name now!

Jean-Pierre, you piqued my curiosity with this statement, so I decided to do a little color correcting, I hope you don't mind.

I can see the name now!

That's wonderful! I'm very please, thank you very much! Dot you are a magician!
I don't know how you make it but it reflect much more what it was suppose to be.
The flower once it open and maturing went in different tone and shade of green from very dark to almost fluo one. I’ve seen many greenish tones in the Phrags but that one is different.

I have to get a new camera and a good photo program and learn how to work with seem there is a lot of possibility. I would like to have some spare time! I'm using Paint probably not the best photo on the market.
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It helps to have taught photography technology and Photoshop for many years. :D

You have such wonderful Phrags, I'm happy to help.