This clone is from Orchid's Limited. The parents are besseae 'Rob's Choice' AM/AOS (4N) x Incan Treasure - making this likely a 3N clone.
I cannot remember what happened to set this plant back but I upset it somehow a couple of years ago. It is now getting its vigor back and blooming again. Assuming I stay on its good side, it will be even more striking next blooming. Hopefully that dorsal curl will go away.

The fact than Incan Treasure, and not straight kovachii, is a parent always stumps me. The flowers remind me of my Acker's Classic which is Twlight x kovachii. Maybe the longifolium and besseae genes are pretty expressive and contributing to the overlap.
I cannot remember what happened to set this plant back but I upset it somehow a couple of years ago. It is now getting its vigor back and blooming again. Assuming I stay on its good side, it will be even more striking next blooming. Hopefully that dorsal curl will go away.

The fact than Incan Treasure, and not straight kovachii, is a parent always stumps me. The flowers remind me of my Acker's Classic which is Twlight x kovachii. Maybe the longifolium and besseae genes are pretty expressive and contributing to the overlap.