I have some surplus pollen available. No charge, I'd just like the chance to buy in on flasks at lab cost if you make something that interests me. Trades are welcome but not required.
Four pollinia of haynaldianum 'Karen Resh' AM/AOS

Six pollinia of Saint Swithin 'Candor Excalibur' FCC/AOS

One pollinium of Wössner Black Wings 'Poundcake'. Not awarded but promising, first bloom was two flowers on par with my previous AM clones on a tiny plant. I think this one will be an absolute beast when it gets up to mature size.

Three pollinia of Haur Jih Anita (Hilo Black Eagle) 'Bitis Botanical', pulled for judging at the Triad show and the judges asked to see it again when it grows up. Has bloomed four flowers before being set back by a bad batch of growing media and will almost certainly be awarded in the future.

Four pollinia of Wössner Sphinx. A fun oddball that could make cool funky offspring.

Three pollinia of Yang-ji Hawk (Addicted Philip). A nice first bloomer with potential.

Four pollinia of haynaldianum 'Karen Resh' AM/AOS

Six pollinia of Saint Swithin 'Candor Excalibur' FCC/AOS

One pollinium of Wössner Black Wings 'Poundcake'. Not awarded but promising, first bloom was two flowers on par with my previous AM clones on a tiny plant. I think this one will be an absolute beast when it gets up to mature size.

Three pollinia of Haur Jih Anita (Hilo Black Eagle) 'Bitis Botanical', pulled for judging at the Triad show and the judges asked to see it again when it grows up. Has bloomed four flowers before being set back by a bad batch of growing media and will almost certainly be awarded in the future.

Four pollinia of Wössner Sphinx. A fun oddball that could make cool funky offspring.

Three pollinia of Yang-ji Hawk (Addicted Philip). A nice first bloomer with potential.