I'll blame it on work overload (two full-time jobs is "a bit" burdensome).
I received a K-Lite order from Denmark, and promptly boxed it up and mailed it off the to the recipient's address - in Norway. (Bjorn has been my best customer in Scandinavia, so I guess my mind was channeled a bit.)
OK. My fault. Boxed up another and shipped it to the correct address the next day.
I received USPS notification this morning that it had been delivered. Then, 30 minutes later, I got an email from the recipient that BOTH boxes were delivered to her! (Merry Christmas, Ema.)
I received a K-Lite order from Denmark, and promptly boxed it up and mailed it off the to the recipient's address - in Norway. (Bjorn has been my best customer in Scandinavia, so I guess my mind was channeled a bit.)
OK. My fault. Boxed up another and shipped it to the correct address the next day.
I received USPS notification this morning that it had been delivered. Then, 30 minutes later, I got an email from the recipient that BOTH boxes were delivered to her! (Merry Christmas, Ema.)