Postal Service - Ready to be shocked?

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Orchid Iconoclast
Staff member
Supporting Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Oak Island NC
I'll blame it on work overload (two full-time jobs is "a bit" burdensome).

I received a K-Lite order from Denmark, and promptly boxed it up and mailed it off the to the recipient's address - in Norway. (Bjorn has been my best customer in Scandinavia, so I guess my mind was channeled a bit.)

OK. My fault. Boxed up another and shipped it to the correct address the next day.

I received USPS notification this morning that it had been delivered. Then, 30 minutes later, I got an email from the recipient that BOTH boxes were delivered to her! (Merry Christmas, Ema.)
I received USPS notification this morning that it had been delivered. Then, 30 minutes later, I got an email from the recipient that BOTH boxes were delivered to her! (Merry Christmas, Ema.)

If there is no need for both, she can forward it to Luxembourg (pm me)!
That is really impressive! I wish our postal service was only a tiny bit like that. With us even correctly addressed mail gets delivered a fraction of the time. There must be an Everest of undelivered mail somewhere in South Africa.
I a city in Mexico I have some family and friends that RARELY get any correct mail. Of course, people down there basically number their own houses.
Had a USPS box get returned saying I didn't live there anymore, forwarding expired. I've only been here for 50+ years. I told the mail carrier, just put it in a box with matching last name, any box, just so the last name matches. We sort it out later.

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