Preparing for the Cleveland Show

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
I am slowing gearing back up to displaying my orchids in shows. Last year was a bit too much for me to prep and find transportation for more than couple plants. This is my contribution to my society's display this weekend. I am only entering ten orchids this time, but I am happy with my selections.

Hopefully everything will be fully opened by Saturday morning. My Worthy Sky (bottom left) is slowly going.

Look for me there as I will be judging! I have to be there around 7:30 and ribbon judging commences at 8am sharp!!
I have no idea as to what team I'll be on but I am a round mound of fun. You can't miss me. AOS Judging will start right after ribbon judging.
Bill Overton
I dropped these lovelies off this morning and hung out at the gardens for a while with my son. We will be back tomorrow but not until 10. I am not clerking this year. If the AOS judging has not gotten started I will stop and say hi. Enjoy the judging and the show!

I was not on the judging team that scored any of these but I noticed that the Paphiopedilum barbigerum, lower right corner, was awarded!! That is just so darn cool!!👍
We got to meet briefly at the show yesterday and it was a real treat.
I was judging all Cattleyas and their relatives yesterday and then judges Vandas to assist another team. It was a beautiful show and I look forward to it whenever it is on the schedule!
It was nice to meet too you, Bill. Dave is nice enough to send me text when my plants are awarded. So I got the heads up on the barbigerum, which I named Steal My Sunshine. I will post it in the awards area.

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