For a beginner, I think that both culture and "typical" should be combined. For paphs, I would say either insigne or callosum. Both are very typical of the main types of paphs, and both are easy to grow, especially insigne. Neither are spectacular, but neither are plain or ugly either...a good compromise. roth is too atypical...its multifloral while most paphs are unifloral, its not easy for a rank amateur to grow and bloom, and its expensive...I don't care what they say about how its more affordable now than ever, its still expensive for most people, unless they buy a seedling that may well not bloom until their future grandchilds bar mitzvah. For phrags, pearcei sounds good enough to me...I'd prefer caudatum, but that is not always the easiest to grow, but to me it typifies the "phrag" (I started growing phrags in the pre-besseae days...), but I could also go along with besseae...unlike roth, besseae has become manageable in price and definitely easier to bloom. Take care, Eric