I’ve decided to break up the last box I have into packets of 10 for smaller growers. Each packet of 10 is $44.18. If interested email is below.
REGA Virus Test Kits For Sale Deborah Fox has boxes of REGA virus test kits for sale. These tests do not require refrigeration, are much easier to use than the Agdia tests and are considerably cheaper ($4.40 each rather than Agdia's $6.80 if 25 purchased) The REGA tests use the same test strips as Agdia, but need a smaller sample size and only a small tube of buffer. Reliability is equal to, if not better than Agdia according to the literature and verified outside lab testing. The test kits come in boxes of 50 tests. If you are interested, this is at her cost:
Orders must be prepaid by mailing a check, Paypal or Zelle. Email Deborah at [email protected] with any questions or for payment info. |
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