Reluctant Phrag

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Leiper's Fork, TN
Phrag exstaminodium "GandalfXself" peeking out.

This plant went into the sphag/basket system in Jan/Feb. It was in low bract at the time so the new system can't claim to induce flowering, but supporting it just fine.

Hi Rick,

Very nice! Pls let us see it when it's fully open; we don't see many of these around.


I fully intend to Tom.

We'll see how much staminode it has/not. Last time one of these bloomed it sparked a big debate about the authenticity of the species.

By the way do you have any popowii for sale?
Hi Rick,

Unfortunately, we're sold out of both sizes of popowii. Some great sib flasks coming later this spring, but probably won't have saleable sized seedlings for 18 months. You might try Jason - they're still listed on the OL website @ $ 125 in a 3 1/4" pot - so probably NBS.

24 hour update

Trying to get a good pic of the area where the staminode is supposed to be.
I can't see any remnants at this time, but the pics are not too good.

Hi Rick,

Unfortunately, we're sold out of both sizes of popowii. Some great sib flasks coming later this spring, but probably won't have saleable sized seedlings for 18 months. You might try Jason - they're still listed on the OL website @ $ 125 in a 3 1/4" pot - so probably NBS.


I can't find it listed on their present browse only catalog or by select search, so I think that might be an old listing Tom (I got the old popowii listing by google search). I'll give them a call when I get back from my trip.
I guess we are up to day 6. Both buds open, and petals going to town. The older flower has no hint of staminode. The younger flower has a needle like fragment.

I got a good pic of the second flower opening. The staminode remnant is pretty obvious in this one. Pretty crazy how the flower right next to it on the same spike has absolutely nothing.

Longest petal clearing 25 inches.

Update from this weekend. Petal length is not very even, but the longest one is now 25".
