I grow unifoliate Cattleya species as much as a biology experiment as for the flowers. I grow indoors with LED lights and have good control of day length, light intensity, and temperature. I have wondered whether the growth and blooming cycles of the species described in Chadwicks’ The Classic Cattleyas reflect native growth or what is traditionally observed in greenhouse culture far north of the equator using only ambient light.
I am several years into my focus on Cattleya species and have plants that root, initiate new growth, and bloom off-schedule from Chadwick’s descriptions. I have attributed this to my active experimentation with growth conditions and the plants not being fully acclimated to my conditions.
However, some of you Cattleya experts have large established unifoliate species collections and long experience so I am hoping you will comment on how on- or off- schedule your species grow and bloom with your conditions compared to Chadwick’s descriptions.
I am several years into my focus on Cattleya species and have plants that root, initiate new growth, and bloom off-schedule from Chadwick’s descriptions. I have attributed this to my active experimentation with growth conditions and the plants not being fully acclimated to my conditions.
However, some of you Cattleya experts have large established unifoliate species collections and long experience so I am hoping you will comment on how on- or off- schedule your species grow and bloom with your conditions compared to Chadwick’s descriptions.