Okay, I seriously need to cut back or I’m going to stop enjoying this hobby. So, I’ve thrown out a bunch of plants that just weren’t doing well, I’m selling a few that are doing well, and I’m kind of packaging a bunch together that are somewhere in between (not dead but not terribly happy either) and selling that bunch as a group with the proceeds going to the SlipperTalk forum. (And if nobody wants them, I'll just give Heather a donation anyway
- Hey, there's an idea, I'll just ship 'em to her!
Prices below do NOT include shipping, I’m estimating around $8.00 via USPS priority mail for a package, but if you’re west coast or buying several of these (i.e., larger box) it may be more. If you decide to buy anything, I’d rather get the plants to USPS and see how much the shipping is going to cost, then let you know the “final” price, if that’s okay.
Ok here we go. You can see photos of all of these plants, shot just two days ago, here - all of the blooms pictured are of the plants themselves:
I've included a few of the photos below, but do check the link to see them all.
$45 - Bl. Little Stars: 50 or so pseudobulbs (PBs), I'm allergic to it, go figure. Potted in hydroton, but not grown as semi-hydro, just water it once or twice a week.
$20 - Phrag calurum: 1PB currently blooming,1 mature PB, 1 new PB. Grows sitting in a pool of water, loves it. The flower below is actually darker in person.
$40 - Phrag calurum: 1old pb, 1 currently blooming, 3 mature, 4new - in spike. Also grows sitting in about an inch of water, loves it.
$30 - Paph moquettianum x psyche 'Catatonk Two': 1bloomed fan,1mature
$25 - Brassia Eternal Wind: 5 PBs, in spike - blooms every six months like clockwork, lightly fragrant.
$45 - Enc cochleata ('Seible's' x 'Spy Hill' AM/AOS): 11 PBs with 2 new starts, three spikes in bloom - gorgeous flowers on this thing, just too big of a plant now. I’ve been told this thing might be awardable – it’s just too big for me :-( This baby is heavy, it’s potted in hydroton and growing as semi-hydro, and loving it. I can unpot and send bare root for shipping, which is probably wise due to the weight.
The following plants, below, are struggling, but there are some nice crosses if you can get them happy again. I’ve had several of them in semi-hydro, but they’re just not happy. I’d like to sell the lot to the highest bidder, with the proceeds going to Heather and the forum owners to support the forum (shipping is extra, though they should fit nicely in a $8.00 shipping box or so) - meaning, I prefer to sell them ALL to ONE person. So make a bid on ALL of them together.
I’ll let this post sit for the weekend before I close the bidding on these (if there is any bidding at all). Either post your bid as a response, or message me privately and I’ll post your bid “anonymously” for you. In the photos below, I’ve removed all the bad roots, so the roots you see are nice firm roots. And if nobody is bidding at all on these babies in the next 24 hours or so, I may just let folks bid on individual plants if they want, plan to the highest bidder (and then you pay postage).
I have photos of all of these at the flickr link:
Phrag fischeri, two seedlings.
Paph niveum “Snow Dancer’ x ‘White Virgin’, seedling
Paph Wend Valley ‘Valentine’ x Keyshill ‘Royal Fantasy’, seedling [Marriott cross]
Paph Kimberley Szabo x Anna Szabo (nice cross), seedling
Paph lowii x sib, seedling
Phrag Fox Valley Fireball (Barbara LeAnn ‘select’ x Rosalie Dixler ‘FV’), seedling – very nice new cross from Fox Valley, beautiful purplish flower on a sib that Tom owns.
Paph Dollgoldi (roth. ‘Sherwood’ AM/AOS x armen. ‘Nova’ FCC/AOS), seedling – nice cross from Sherwood. Some issues with the leaves this summer, I think they got too hot outside.
Paph Charles Sladden (bellatulum ‘Red Giant’ x glaucophyllum v. moquetteanum ‘Eureka’ AM/AOS) – one fan previously bloomed fan, one small fan, two small nubs starting at the base. This plant recently started have leaf die back, I have no idea why, but that’s why I’m putting it in the pot-luck bin rather than selling it as a separate plant. It bloomed previously and was quite nice. Pics on the flickr acct.
Phal. Baldan's Kaleidoscope. A nice mature reliable bloomer, this thing has bloomed a lot the past year that I’ve had it. This one isn’t struggling, but it’s relatively common, so I just figured I’d throw it in to the grab bag.
Prices below do NOT include shipping, I’m estimating around $8.00 via USPS priority mail for a package, but if you’re west coast or buying several of these (i.e., larger box) it may be more. If you decide to buy anything, I’d rather get the plants to USPS and see how much the shipping is going to cost, then let you know the “final” price, if that’s okay.
Ok here we go. You can see photos of all of these plants, shot just two days ago, here - all of the blooms pictured are of the plants themselves:
I've included a few of the photos below, but do check the link to see them all.
$45 - Bl. Little Stars: 50 or so pseudobulbs (PBs), I'm allergic to it, go figure. Potted in hydroton, but not grown as semi-hydro, just water it once or twice a week.

$20 - Phrag calurum: 1PB currently blooming,1 mature PB, 1 new PB. Grows sitting in a pool of water, loves it. The flower below is actually darker in person.

$40 - Phrag calurum: 1old pb, 1 currently blooming, 3 mature, 4new - in spike. Also grows sitting in about an inch of water, loves it.

$30 - Paph moquettianum x psyche 'Catatonk Two': 1bloomed fan,1mature

$25 - Brassia Eternal Wind: 5 PBs, in spike - blooms every six months like clockwork, lightly fragrant.

$45 - Enc cochleata ('Seible's' x 'Spy Hill' AM/AOS): 11 PBs with 2 new starts, three spikes in bloom - gorgeous flowers on this thing, just too big of a plant now. I’ve been told this thing might be awardable – it’s just too big for me :-( This baby is heavy, it’s potted in hydroton and growing as semi-hydro, and loving it. I can unpot and send bare root for shipping, which is probably wise due to the weight.

The following plants, below, are struggling, but there are some nice crosses if you can get them happy again. I’ve had several of them in semi-hydro, but they’re just not happy. I’d like to sell the lot to the highest bidder, with the proceeds going to Heather and the forum owners to support the forum (shipping is extra, though they should fit nicely in a $8.00 shipping box or so) - meaning, I prefer to sell them ALL to ONE person. So make a bid on ALL of them together.
I’ll let this post sit for the weekend before I close the bidding on these (if there is any bidding at all). Either post your bid as a response, or message me privately and I’ll post your bid “anonymously” for you. In the photos below, I’ve removed all the bad roots, so the roots you see are nice firm roots. And if nobody is bidding at all on these babies in the next 24 hours or so, I may just let folks bid on individual plants if they want, plan to the highest bidder (and then you pay postage).
I have photos of all of these at the flickr link:
Phrag fischeri, two seedlings.
Paph niveum “Snow Dancer’ x ‘White Virgin’, seedling
Paph Wend Valley ‘Valentine’ x Keyshill ‘Royal Fantasy’, seedling [Marriott cross]
Paph Kimberley Szabo x Anna Szabo (nice cross), seedling
Paph lowii x sib, seedling
Phrag Fox Valley Fireball (Barbara LeAnn ‘select’ x Rosalie Dixler ‘FV’), seedling – very nice new cross from Fox Valley, beautiful purplish flower on a sib that Tom owns.
Paph Dollgoldi (roth. ‘Sherwood’ AM/AOS x armen. ‘Nova’ FCC/AOS), seedling – nice cross from Sherwood. Some issues with the leaves this summer, I think they got too hot outside.
Paph Charles Sladden (bellatulum ‘Red Giant’ x glaucophyllum v. moquetteanum ‘Eureka’ AM/AOS) – one fan previously bloomed fan, one small fan, two small nubs starting at the base. This plant recently started have leaf die back, I have no idea why, but that’s why I’m putting it in the pot-luck bin rather than selling it as a separate plant. It bloomed previously and was quite nice. Pics on the flickr acct.
Phal. Baldan's Kaleidoscope. A nice mature reliable bloomer, this thing has bloomed a lot the past year that I’ve had it. This one isn’t struggling, but it’s relatively common, so I just figured I’d throw it in to the grab bag.