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back to blooming! This is a 'practice' OZ cross (Balance x Curves) that Paphiness quite often offers on ebay. I got it this spring, in bloom, handled the shipping, repotting & change of environment without missing a beat!
Thanks guys! Haven't been able to grow bess until I did the ebb n flow.
Yay besseae! Was this one of the 3-plant, practice besseae specials? Show us the plants please. :)
:eek: oops, this was not the one I got from Dean (see next comment). Jason Fischer was down in Jan. to give a presentation, I got it from him. This cross is available in Dean's 3 pack as well. I should have known to do a plant photo, I'll work on it!

WOW...knock your socks off RED! The shape is appealing too, rose. I'd
call that Chinese red as it has a bit of orange in the background color.
I'd say it's a bit more orangey than it shows in the photo.
After succeeding with this one, in spring I got a better quality cross from Dean that is red.
I totally agree Eric. I do need this one and the unattainable St. Eligius as
well. Aaahhh well, spring will arrive some day and I'll just drool at the photos in the