Show me hybrids with adductum as pod parent.

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I have a plant in bloom called "Paul Parks" (adductum x sanderianum).
I have found some pics of Paul Parks on the web and they looks nothing like my plant. BUT, all of them have been listed as sanderianum x adductum, and mine have adductum as the pod parent.

The problem is that I don't see any sanderianum in mine, the petals are too short and too wide. Actually I see more roth in it than sanderianum, so I started to google for Johanna Burkhardt (rothschildianum x adductum). My flowers look more similar to those in shape but the colouring is not exactly the same. But then again, all pics of Johanna Burkhardt that I can find is having roth as the pod parent. Do any of you have a pic of that cross with adductum as the pod parent?

I actually have a Johanna Burkhardt with roth as the pod parent myself but it has not bloomed yet. The funny thing is that it is almost twice as big as the one that is in flower now.

Anyway, the flowers look fantastic but of course I want to know what it is. I will wait to show any pics of it until it's fully opened.


OK, not the best phothos, but let me know what you think? It can't be any sanderianum in this, can it?
Do you think they used Paph anitum instead of adductum because the dorsal sepal have deep color at the base. The stamoniode remines me that it has Paph rothschildianum blood in it.

It really looks like anitum or adductum x roth. I can't see any sanderianum there! Who was the vendor? Roellke again?
No, I got it from a local vendor but I think she takes all her plants from Vacherot in France. I will contact them and see what they say.
i have a Paul Parks in low spike!!!!! i'm super excited and will post photos when it blooms
Hsinying Lady Duck (Lady Isabel x adductum anitum) looks very similar to that. I agree, it probably has anitum in it.

Ayreon, I have also an hybrid that I bought on eBay a few years ago to a belgian dealer (I am leaving in Belgium). It leaves span is now around 40 cm and it grows very slowly. Could you give us some informations about the culture conditions you use, potting media, day and night temperature and light intensity. Is it an heavy eaters? Thank you in advance for your infos.
No, I got it from a local vendor but I think she takes all her plants from Vacherot in France. I will contact them and see what they say.

Ayreon, if the label has Paph aducctum 'Dark ---' and is from Vacherot, then it is actually Paph anitum. I have Paph adductum 'Dark x rothschildianum (I bought it in Germany, but the cross is from Vacherot), and it was confirmed to be actually anitum x rothschildianum...

very nice Paph, you have there :)
check this out!
this is Paph. (St. Swithin x adductum var. anitum)

and this is Paph. (Hysinying Lady Duck x adductum var. anitum)
Ayreon, if the label has Paph aducctum 'Dark ---' and is from Vacherot, then it is actually Paph anitum. I have Paph adductum 'Dark x rothschildianum (I bought it in Germany, but the cross is from Vacherot), and it was confirmed to be actually anitum x rothschildianum...

very nice Paph, you have there :)

No, the cross is not from Vacherot. Vacherot only breeds themselves some phals and some catts, few. The remaining is resold from the Netherlands.

The originator of the adductum Dark x roth, is Rene Klinge,
No, the cross is not from Vacherot. Vacherot only breeds themselves some phals and some catts, few. The remaining is resold from the Netherlands.

The originator of the adductum Dark x roth, is Rene Klinge,

maybe you are right... but that's the informatkon I received: "The plants are coming from Vacherot, and we can confirm that adductum 'Dark...' is actually Paph anitum"... further more, it was mentioned that Vacherot confiurmed he had used that plant for teh cross and it was anitum... therefore, that's the information I give further...