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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Okay, so I'm twenty-five, just recently graduated with a BA in English Lit, finally, after taking a few years off to write.  Now, I am really getting to work on the novel so that is consuming most of my time.  I recently picked up the violin, have been playing for two years, and I love it, although my cat does not. 

I grow in my apt, which is located in a really nice area of San Francisco with a great view.  They are on a rack, by the window, and amount to about twenty-fice, although I have killed nearly three times as many (damn phals) until I realized that slippers were more suited to me.  It's small, but cozy, and you all are welcome here if you're ever out here.

I met my boyfriend four years ago two days before he was going to move back to NYC (he hated San Francisco) and somehow a few months later, I convinced him he needed to move back here.  Now, we're just waiting for him to finish some projects, and then we'll be packing all our things and moving to NYC.  I have had to give away so many plants due to this, and keep my collection down in preparation for this.

I am also working on getting my citizenship so I can go to Japan, and eat sushi, luckily for me, Max loves sushi, too (although he hates the 'uglies', aka orchids).
